Gauging Legal Interest in Your Personal Injury Case

Law Blog

Not all auto accidents should be taken through the legal process. Some cases are far too minor and the injuries are, fortunately, minor to non-existent. On the other hand, fast speeds can lead to horrible accidents that result in very serious injuries. When that happens, taking legal action is the only way to be paid what you need to cover your lost wages, pain and suffering, future medical needs, and more.

30 November 2020

What Accident Victims Should Know About Investigations

Law Blog

Many car accidents are simple, and the at-fault party is obvious. That is not always the case, though, and some situations call for a bit more investigation before fault is assigned. The investigation is carried out by several interested parties and takes on more than one form. To get a better idea of what might transpire with your accident investigation, read on. Initial Impressions at the Scene In most cases, accident scenes are the beginning and end of the investigative actions.

30 November 2020

Can You Use Bankruptcy To Get Out Of Debt From A Pyramid Scheme?

Law Blog

It is unfortunate, but many people are still falling victim to pyramid schemes these days. The idea of becoming your own boss can just be too tempting, but these programs often have payment structures that pay out more in referral earnings than from the products that are being sold. This can lead to insurmountable debt that is put on a credit card with no way to pay it off. This includes money spent on classes for training that does no good and on inventory that simply cannot be sold.

30 October 2020

Going Through An Amicable Divorce? 4 Crucial Reasons To Have The Best Attorney On Your Side Anyway

Law Blog

Your impending divorce can appear amicable one day, then quickly devolve into something far less tolerable the next. As much as you might want to resolve the details of your divorce in a family-friendly manner, even on your own, without the assistance of an attorney, you have far too much at stake to roll the dice on the amicable mood lasting through the entire procedure. 1. Protecting Your Custodial Rights Under Any Circumstances

29 September 2020

How to Keep Unpaid Debts from Affecting Your Estate

Law Blog

If you have a lot of debt or an unpaid mortgage, your estate will be considered insolvent if you do not have enough assets to pay off your debts when you pass away. After you pass away, a personal representative is responsible for making sure that all of your debts are paid for. However, a probate attorney can help you if you are concerned about how your debts might affect your estate.

27 August 2020

Revocable Trusts Vs. Prenuptial Agreements: Protect Your Assets During A Marriage

Law Blog

During probate proceedings, one situation that often comes up is a prenuptial agreement. Couples seeking to protect their assets as they get married have the choice between a prenuptial agreement and a revocable trust. If you're not sure which option to choose, it's best to visit a probate law office. Assets and a Divorce If you and your partner decided to get divorced, the assets that you acquire during your marriage are considered community property.

29 July 2020

What To Know About Felony Arrests, Charges, And Convictions

Law Blog

When it comes to serious criminal matters, few outweigh that of a felony. Charges at this level can incur strict and, sometimes, mandatory sentencing. To find out more about what makes this category of criminal charges unique, read on. 1. The main difference between felonies and lesser charges like misdemeanors is jail time. Most felonies will end up with the offender being sent to prison. 2. A misdemeanor can be elevated to a felony when certain circumstances exist.

29 June 2020

Legal Issues And Physical Altercations After An Auto Accident

Law Blog

Car crashes raise questions about liability, even though the cause might be an accident. If you accidentally injured someone or cause property damage through operation or other negligence, you may find yourself paying for damages. Often, the aftermath of an accident follows a straightforward legal process, usually involving an insurance claim. Unfortunately, people dealing with a car accident can lose their tempers and respond angrily. The person you hit with your car could physically attack you.

27 May 2020

How Negligent And Fraudlent Representation Work In Construction Law

Law Blog

One of the most important factors that go into every construction contract is a set of representations. These are the various things that certain parties assert they can get done, and there are laws that require contractors and builders to fulfill their duties as outlined in these agreements. When a contraction lawyer talks about these issues, they often refer to them as either negligent or fraudulent representations. This article look at what those things might mean for your project.

23 April 2020

3 Signs You Have Chosen a Good Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Law Blog

If you are a victim of medical malpractice, then you might be thinking about seeking legal representation. In fact, you might have already found a lawyer. If this is the case, you could be wondering if you have chosen the right person to represent you. These are a few signs that you have the right medical malpractice lawyer on your side. 1. The Lawyer Has a Lot of Medical Malpractice Experience

18 March 2020