Lowering Your Property's Value For Bankruptcy Purposes

Law Blog

If you are considering a chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, you need to brush up on the liquidation aspects. While many bankruptcy filers won't have property seized by the bankruptcy judge, some do lose homes, cars, and more through a chapter 7 filing. The potential for losing property depends on lowering the value of it using exemptions so read on to learn more about your potential to lose your home and car when you declare bankruptcy.

18 December 2018

Tips For Filling Out Disability Paperwork

Law Blog

Qualifying for disability benefits can be a complicated process. Many applicants have had their applications turned down, while others have only qualified after making multiple applications or by going through the appeal process. Many applications are turned down because the disability in question doesn't qualify. However, some applicants are turned down due to avoidable mistakes or issues with their applications. List Every Condition That Limits Your Ability to Work Many applicants only fill in the one issue that seems most likely to be approved for disability.

31 August 2018

Did Your Employer Take Away Unused Vacation Days? Consult An Employment Attorney

Law Blog

Different employees take different approaches to their vacation days. Some people are eager to use up these days quickly, while others will hold off doing so until they have a significant number of days — and then take a lengthy vacation. Companies have a wide range of policies regarding the use of vacation days, and some will take them away after a certain amount of time has elapsed. If your employer has done so, you might wish to consult an attorney who specializes in employment issues.

31 August 2018

Should You Pursue Commercial Litigation?

Law Blog

When a legal dispute arises in a company or commercial business, it puts the financial well-being and security of the business at risk. That's the reason why many companies consider pursuing commercial litigation and hiring experienced lawyers in commercial litigation to assist them in handling the issues. Although this might look like an added expense to your business, it's very essential. Commercial litigation can assist you in mitigating some of the legal consequences that your business might suffer as a result of a legal dispute.

31 August 2018

Suing A Lifeguard For A Personal Injury

Law Blog

As you focus on enjoying your summer, the last thing you want to do is become distracted from your own safety. Time spent near the pool or at the beach can be dangerous if you're not careful. In a public place, there may be a lifeguard on duty, but the lifeguard's own negligence may cause you to become injured.  Proving Liability for a Lifeguard For a lifeguard to be found liable, it must be shown that the action that the lifeguard took was directly responsible for the injuries.

24 July 2018

Document Your Medical Issues For A Personal Injury Claim

Law Blog

A personal injury claim is intended to make you financially whole after you've been injured. The only way you can prove your injuries is often through thorough documentation. Keeping medical documentation from the very start is incredibly important. Here are some tips. Get Checked Out Immediately You may not feel injured following an accident. Your body is very good at concealing injuries until after you're out of a traumatic situation. If it's possible you've been injured at all, you need to see a doctor.

23 June 2018

Time To Mediate A Settlement In Your Injury Case? 4 Steps To Ensure A Positive Outcome

Law Blog

If you've been injured in an accident, and you haven't been able to reach a settlement agreement, it might be necessary to enter into mediation. One of the benefits of mediation is that it's handled on neutral ground, with each party having even standing in the case. However, in order for mediation to be successful, you need to be prepared for the process. Here are four steps you'll need to take to help ensure a positive outcome for your case.

17 April 2018

Qualifying For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: What Is A Means Test?

Law Blog

If you have too many debts to pay off without true financial hardship, you may want to consider the benefits of Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy you liquidate the majority of your assets and use it to pay off your debts. The remaining debts are then forgiven, giving you a fresh start to build your financial future. However, Chapter 7 bankruptcy has some requirements, including a means test.

17 April 2018

Sue Or Be Sued: It's A Litigious World And You Need Help

Law Blog

It is a "dog-eat-dog" kind of world in which everyone dwells. The U.S. is one of the most litigious countries in the world. Consider this: tort cases have risen almost five hundred percent in the last fifty years. Americans sue over everything, from coffee that burns their tongues to neighbors' dogs doing their dog business on the sidewalks in front of their homes. As for lawsuits against businesses, well, you do not even want to see the stats on that!

21 March 2018

What To Do If The Bond Company Won'T Provide Bail

Law Blog

Getting bailed out of jail can be as simple as dialing up a local bond company and making the appropriate arrangements. Sometimes, though, a bail bond company will refuse to accept a case for one reason or another (e.g. the person skipped bail before or the bail amount is too high). If you were rejected by one or more bond companies, here are a couple of things you can do to convince someone to take the case.

21 February 2018