Own A Dog? Steps To Take To Protect Yourself From Bite Lawsuits

Law Articles

Unfortunately, there are millions of injuries related to dog bites or attacks each year. As a careful pet owner, you might think these statistics could never apply to your situation. However, many animals can bite under stress, and if you are found to be at fault for the accident, you could be on the receiving end of a personal injury lawsuit with thousands or even millions of dollars of claimed damages.

13 December 2016

The Answers To Three Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Law Articles

If you've been injured by a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider, you may have a case for damages against the medical professional. Though it's important to start litigation as soon as possible, you should take some time to learn about the process first to ensure you know what you're getting into. Here are the answers to three common questions people have about medical malpractice lawsuits that may help you decide how best you should proceed with your case.

7 November 2016

4 Summer Riding Safety Tips For New Motorcycle Enthusiasts


With the sun shining brightly overhead, you are likely raring to go explore the world on that fancy new motorcycle of yours. Before you head off and ride away well past sunset, you must take some important safety tips into consideration. While piloting a motorcycle as a new rider, you are vulnerable to collisions that can result in serious injuries and extensive damage to your new bike. You can make up for a lack of riding time by utilizing the following four riding safety tips to remain safe on the road throughout the summer and beyond.

8 August 2016

Considerations To Keep In Mind Before Suing For Medical Malpractice

Law Articles

Medical malpractice is not a rare occurrence in the United States; in fact,nearly 100,000 persons per year die each year due to preventable medical mistakes. However, despite this number, many Americans don't fully understand how to successfully sue for damages as a result of negligence on the part of doctors and other healthcare professionals. Fewer than one-fourth of lawsuits result in compensation for the plaintiff, and to avoid ending up in the majority of individuals who receive nothing, you should evaluate your own situation carefully.

11 July 2016

4 "Vehicles" You Never Knew You Could Get A DUI On

Law Articles

Getting a DUI is devastating. Depending on the state you live in, you could wind up with a plethora of consequences. These can include a misdemeanor or a felony charge, a license suspension, jail time, and/or some hefty fines. What you might not realize is that you don't have to be driving a car to get a DUI. Here are some other things you can receive a DUI for "driving."

23 May 2016

Filing an ERISA Disability Claim: How Long Will You Have to Wait for a Decision?

Law Articles

ERISA stands for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. It is a federal law that sets standards for the majority of voluntarily established health and pension plans in order to provide protection for those people participating in the plans. Unfortunately, circumstances will probably occur at one time or another in your life when you (or someone else) will have to file a claim in order to utilize the benefits that your health insurance or pension plan provides.

12 April 2016

Denied At-Home Customer Service Representatives: Why Should You Contact A Disability Lawyer?

Law Articles

If you're an at-home customer service representative who can no longer work any job due to multiple areas of body pain, you may file for Social Security benefits to compensate for your loss of income. But if the SSA denies your application and claims that you can do other types of non-sedentary jobs, contact a disability lawyer. The SSA, or Social Security Administration, initially denies about 65 percent of applicants who file for disability benefits.

22 March 2016

Get Answers To The Questions You Have About Auto Accidents And Over-Treatment

Law Articles

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, and another party has some responsibility for the accident, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the driver. Typically, their auto insurance company will reimburse you for the injuries you sustained and medical bills related to those injuries if they agree their insured party was partly responsible. However, insurance companies watch how often you seek treatment and may try to claim you are over-treating to cut back on their liability.

11 February 2016

Two Things to Prepare for When Initiating a Late-Life Divorce

Law Articles

Many couples are choosing to separate in their later years rather than stay unhappily together forever. In fact, according to some statistics, the rate of divorce for people over 50 has doubled since 1990. While it's understandable you would want to walk away from a relationship that is no longer fulfilling (or may even be harmful), it's important to consider the ramifications of doing so and make the proper preparations so you can start your new life on the best foot.

25 January 2016