Certified Credit Counselor: Chapter 7 Vs. Chapter 13

Law Articles

One of the leading causes of bankruptcy in America is divorce. If you're going through a divorce, filing for bankruptcy is one of the ways that you can protect your financial future and get the fresh start you might need to truly move on. When you are seeking legal counsel for your divorce and considering filing for bankruptcy, you should also consider seeking specific financial advice about bankruptcy from a certified credit counselor.

23 December 2015

Workplace Injuries--Tips For Responding Correctly When You've Been Hurt On The Job

Law Articles

If you're the victim of a workplace accident, you know how much anxiety and hardship can result. Unfortunately, on top of lost wages and a reduced quality of life, it's becoming common for honest people to have their claims rejected when they're first submitted. For those folks who aren't prepared for this, the news often feels like a punch in the stomach. How you deal with the injury immediately after the fact will help determine whether your claim is denied or accepted.

10 December 2015

Marriage In The Military: Why Prenuptial Agreements Are A Must

Law Articles

Are you a current member of the United States military? Are you romantically involved with your partner, and thinking of popping the big question of marriage the next time you're home on leave? If so, a prenuptial agreement is absolutely necessary; read on to learn why.  Military Retirement As long as you serve a minimum of 20 years in the military, you're entitled to a lifelong retirement pension. The dollar amount of that pension depends on when you enlisted, the cost of living at the time of retirement, the total number of years served, and a few other factors.

3 November 2015

Improvement Patents And New Use Patents What You Need To Know

Law Articles

Are you an inventor? If so, you need to focus on 2 types of patents that you can possibly file. One is an improvement patent and the other is a new use patent. Essentially, an improvement patent is a patent that is used to improve upon an already existing invention, while a new use patent is a patent for a brand new invention. For inventors, it is important that you are able to distinguish between the 2 types.

23 September 2015

How Can You Pay For Your Child's Needed Autism Treatments?

Law Articles

If your child has recently been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) you may be relieved to finally have a name for the condition that has confounded you since your child was a baby -- but at the same time apprehensive about your family's ability to pay for the treatment and therapies that can help your child live a more functional adult life. With rising costs of even mainstream medical and special education care, what can you do to afford more intensive or long-term treatments?

3 September 2015

Pemphigus Vulgaris & Social Security Disability Claims: What You Need to Know

Law Articles

Doctors and dermatologists treat many skin conditions. Some of these conditions cause nothing more than minor side effects, but some dermatological diseases can result in severe, debilitating symptoms that can stop you carrying out the most basic daily functions. Pemphigus vulgaris is a relatively rare condition that can cause life-changing symptoms. If you or someone you love has this unpleasant disease, find out whether this diagnosis means you could claim social security disability benefits.

24 August 2015

2 Key Benefits About Life After Bankruptcy

Law Articles

Filing for bankruptcy is a big step to take that can leave you with consequences for years to come, but it is often the only way to get out of debt. If you are about to file, you should realize that this will affect you in the future, but it can have positive effects if you choose to look at them this way. Here are two of the key benefits you will experience after you file for bankruptcy.

29 July 2015

Can Your Positive Blood Alcohol Reading Be Dismissed in a South Dakota DUI?

Law Articles

If you've been arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in a South Dakota court, you may be wondering whether there is anything you can do to challenge the circumstances of your arrest and have your case dismissed. Although a positive blood or blood alcohol test is often one of the sole determining factors in a guilty verdict, this may be changing soon—and could also work to your benefit.

13 July 2015

3 Types Of Trucking Accidents And How To Prevent Them

Law Articles

Truck driving can be a lucrative and rewarding occupation, but it's also a dangerous one. There were nearly 4000 fatalities caused by truck crashes in 2012, and over 100,000 injuries the same year. What's more, the data suggests that the number of trucking accidents is on the rise – fatalities grew by 18% between 2009 and 2012. Not many people would be willing to work in an industry that saw thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries in just when year.

24 June 2015

Three Lies Employers May Tell To Get Out Of Paying Workers' Compensation

Law Articles

In most states, employers are required to carry workers' compensation insurance if they have employees. However, some employers will engage in a number of tactics to discourage employees from filing claims when they are hurt on the job, including lying about the injured person's rights and eligibility. Here are three lies you may told by your employer after you sustain an injury at work. You Can't File a Claim Because You're Not an Employee

5 June 2015